End of Term Blog
Key research undertaken by the University of Durham, which focussed on assessment of over 70,000 children throughout the UK, recently found that the quality of teaching and learning in a child’s reception year has the most significant and sustainable impact on future academic success.
Professor Peter Tymms, who oversaw the research project, summarised the findings of his team: ‘This work reinforces research which shows early years’ education is critical for children’s later cognitive development and that, while attention should of course be given to every year of education, more value should be placed on the most sensitive times, the first few years.’
Like many parents, choosing the right school for your four-year-old can often be a daunting and even confusing process. The temptation, particularly in London where one tends to be faced with so much choice, can be to get caught in the sands of familiarity, swayed by the choices made of those around you with less emphasis placed, perhaps, on the needs of your child.
‘Before focussing on the features of any particular school, begin by looking at your child's needs, strengths and overall personality,’ advise the researchers from Durham.
Our early years’ curriculum is based on the strengths and needs of each individual child. We provide a wide range of educational experiences designed to support children in their academic, physical, social and emotional development. We are a school where individuals matter and believe that success starts early; this sits at the core of our philosophy and vision for all the children in our care.
From the moment your child joins our school, we will put them at the very heart of everything that we do. What will make your child’s experience at Cameron Vale so special, is our welcoming family atmosphere, which will provide a natural avenue to allowing your child to build strong and trusting relationships with their peers and teachers alike. Your child will only take the risks they need to, to learn, progress and push themselves, if they feel happy and secure in their environment.
There is only so much that a website or prospectus can portray, so I invite you to visit us and discover the unique and welcoming atmosphere that is Cameron Vale School.