Upper School
The strong foundations that have been so carefully laid during the early years of your child's education now come into fruition as they progress through the school in preparation for the transition to senior school. As your child journeys towards the top of the school there is a steady change of pace.
Children move to the upper school in Year 3. The upper school is where your child will really come into their own, demonstrating the confidence and leadership skills they have built over the years, which will stand them in such good stead when they move on to senior school. The aim of our upper school is to provide a rich and varied curriculum which is stimulating and suitably demanding yet is flexible enough to suit the ability of every child and to bring out the best in each of them.
These years are a very special time at Cameron Vale, a time for our children to really stretch themselves, seek new challenges and enjoying fresh opportunities. Whether it be academically, on the sports field, in the performing arts or in the great outdoors, we feed your child's enthusiasm and encourage them to enjoy and get the most out of these key developmental years.
The Upper School Curriculum
In the upper school we build upon the secure foundations in English and maths that your child has established in the lower school, developing the more sophisticated skills and knowledge required for a smooth transition to senior school.
These core curriculum subjects remain supported by a broad and balanced curriculum designed to encourage academic achievement and creativity. Art, DT, computing, geography, history and science coupled with specialist teaching in French, music and physical education provides a stimulating, balanced and broad-based education, which, within the framework of the National Curriculum, affords your child the opportunity to excel wherever their strengths may be.
Your child learns to analyse their preferred learning style and develop their thinking skills, in order that they become more critical and efficient learners.

Interested in a place for your child at Cameron Vale?
We'd love to meet you - book your visit today!